Tuesday, June 25, 2013

South Wood County Triathlon Race Report

Well, I FINALLY was able to get the first tri of the year in. This is a very nice small event with around 150 entries.  I haven't done a tri in the rain before and I really didn't want to do this one in the rain.  Forecast didn't look good.  That morning I decided to drive down and do it regardless.  The drive was about 2.5 hours but we got here in plenty of time.  I registered, set up my transition area and was feeling really good about things.  It started to rain more but I was now committed.

With about 30 min before race start I got my wetsuit on and did some warmups in the water.  My wave was 4th so I was able to gauge things and see how people were doing.  I remember thinking "that doesn't look like a1/4 mile swim....".  My wave's turn came up.  The horn sounded and I was off.   I was in a really good groove, swimming with the pack about in the middle. At a certain point I thought "this is easy!"  At that point I looked up and realized a only went about 1/4 to 1/3rd the way!  At that point, I looked down the lake to where the turnaround was and it felt like Mt. Everst to me.  I struggled, couldn't get my form right, couldn't breate right and even had to stop and take breaks.  It was a complete mental breakdown!  i finally put enough of an effort in to make it back to shore.  I wasn't the last in my wave but close.  It felt like 15 minutes went by.  I came out of the lake, ran up the hill to T1.

By now it apparently was raining pretty good but I honestly don't remember it raining at all.  Was I in a zone or just exhausted and mad at myself over the swim.  Who knows. I mounted my bike and took off.  I knew I had time to make up so I pushed it.  The course was flat so I knew I didn't need to worry about hills.  I was passing people like they were standing still.  My goal....don't get passed and pass everyone!  It seemed like I did.  I was even pasing guys on very expensive bikes with disc wheels.  It's a great feeling blowing by someone that has spent 3 or 4 times what you have on their equipement!  By about halfway through the bike the rain ended.  So in the end I think I passed roughly 0 people and was never passed once!  As I came into T2, I went to dismont and my entire right hamstring and calf locked up!  I haven't had this happen in a while.  Poor bike fit or did I push it too much?  Hobbled over to the rack and got shoes on.

As I headed out of T2 I had to take it easy since I was on the verge of cramping.  After about a 1/4 mile things got easier and I was able to run halfway decently.  I had a couple guys go by me that I knew were in my division.  The run was pretty good, good heart rate, not cramping but my time wasn't as fast as I wanted.  I paced a guy almost the entire run and about 2/10ths of a mile left he started to slow down. As I came up on him he saw me and put the turbos on.  I wan't going to beat him today.  I came in and felt pretty good until I had to stop to give them my chip, then the leg cramps came back.  Walked around a bit, ate and congratulated another guy in my division who came in ahead of me.  I wound up 11th out of 16 in my division, 63rd out of 147 overall.  The one good thing out of it was I ranked 30th overall in the bike.

It was a well run event and I will do it again!  I have 3 weeks now to get watever mind games happened on the swim behind me.  More water time should solve that.

Setting up transition
Swim start

Leaving T1
Coming into T2 and cramping

Coming in!


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