Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring is here and that means.....

...Race season is upon us!  That's right, running events, duathlons and triathlons will be in play from here on out!  We began our training a few weeks ago doing some HIIT training on the treadmill (will do some videos illustrating this in the near future), some "bootcamp" type workouts and metabolic workouts in addition to our weight routine.  If you are interested in doing any kind of racing event here are a few good links!




If anyone has some other good sites please let us know!

Ann & Chris

Friday, March 2, 2012

A new "Personal Record" on the Leg Press Today!

Had a good workout and on my 4th set of close leg presses was able to do a new personal best of 600 punds (just plates)!

Had a fun time at WJFW (Channel 12) last evening!

We had a fun time helping out the YMCA during the "Y-watch segment during the 5 O'cock news!  When we get the video we'll post it up!
