Saturday, July 20, 2013

Bear Cupboard 5K

RACE DAY!  Ann's been very motivated and a couple days ago said...."Let's do this!"  We've been upping our workouts and runs so I thought it would be a good precursor to next weeks triathlon.  We arrived, stretched, warmed up, and were ready to go!  I kissed Ann and waited for the horn.  I took off and had good pacing going.  The first mile I was flying (at least for me!) at around the low to mid 7 min mile range.  Mile 2 took me down to around a 7:45 pace and in the third mile I fell to an 8 min plus pace.  I finished at 7:56 per mile pace for a total time of 24:37.  Sad part was I missd the podium by 27 seconds.  I waited for Ann and was hoping he training was going to pay off.  Time went by......Ifinally saw her and after she crossed she said she tripped on a board on the trestle that goes over the lake and fell brusing ans skinning her knee pretty bad.  I took her to the first aid station and they iced it.  Now it's rehab time for Ann and she hopes she can race next weekend.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Swim Training day!

Well, the weather is finally cooperating a little and it turned out to be a nice day for a swim.  Time still isn't coming down much but we have been working on form.